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Shalabhasana – Locust / Grasshopper Pose – 2

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This post is in continuation (part 2) of my earlier post part 1. 

Click here:Salabhasana -Locust/Grasshopper Pose- I

The important asanas for the health of  the lower back  and for the spinal chord. This section also covers sciatica pain, slip disc and cervical spondylitis, and weight management.


1. Lie down on stomach and straighten or stretch the right hand to the front while touching the head and the ear.
2. Keep the left hand on the waist.  
3. While inhaling, lift the head and right hand from the front and also opposite leg, i.e left leg above the ground level. 
Note:- The raised hand and leg would make angle of 20 degree – 30 degree with the ground.
4. Remain in this position for 10- 30 secs while holding the breath.
5. Then very slowly come back to normal position while exhale.
6. Similarly, repeat this exercise from the left side.
Step 1: Resting position
Step 2: Keep right hand in the front and left hand on the waist: Side view
Step 2: Keep right hand in the front and left hand on the waist: Top view
Step 3: Raise right hand and left leg while inhaling and hold breath for 10-30 secs then go to resting position
Step 4: Keep left hand in the front and right hand on the waist: Side view
Step 4: Keep left hand in the front and right hand on the waist: Top view
Step 5: Raise left hand and right leg while inhaling and hold breath for 10-30 secs
Step 6: Exhale and come back to Resting position
Repeat all steps again…….
Remember, Start your first day with twice or thrice and then slowly increase to thrice or 5 -7 times per day. 
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