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Tour on Yogic Diet and it’s Significance in Your Life.

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A little Yogi Kushagra is participating in Sattwic/Yogic Food Preparation Activity on the occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi.

Let’s have a tour on sattwic diet and it’s significance in your life.

Yoga literature that can be traced back to the medieval era raises the concept of moderation in eating. The best diet is one which is tasty, satisfying, nutritious and adequate to meet the needs of the body.

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Hatha Yoga Pradipika suggests that one must “eat only when one feels hungry” and “neither overeat nor eat to completely fill the capacity of one’s stomach; rather leave a quarter portion empty and fill three quarters with quality food and fresh water”. Further one interested in yogic practices should avoid foods with excessive amounts of sourness, salt, bitterness, oil, spices, unripe vegetables, fermented foods or alcohol. The old literature also stress that those in Sattva state prefer foods that are life giving, nourishing, and purifying one’s existence at the same time conferring strength, happiness and health.

The goal of yoga is controlling the mind and calming the senses. A sattvic diet aids in achieving this goal easily. “By the purity of food one becomes purified in his inner nature; by the purification of his inner nature he verily gets memory of the self; and by the attainment of the memory of the self, all ties and attachments are severed.”

Although many people don’t realize it, diet is an integral part of yoga. Much of the yogic prescription for food comes straight from the yamas and niyimas, yoga’s “do’s and don’ts” as articulated in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Yoga and Ayurveda categorize everything in the universe as being made up of three different properties, or gunas: rajas, tamas, and sattva.

Rajas is the property of motion, and rajasic foods tend to be stimulating, even agitating. Onions, garlic, red pepper, and coffee are a few examples. Tamas is the property of inertia. Tamasic foods tend to be heavy, stale or low in nutritional value, and can induce lethargy. From a yogic perspective, they lack prana, or vital energy. Fast food, junk food, and something that’s been sitting in the fridge for a week are all considered tamasic. Sattva is balance, and sattvic foods are fresh, pure, and high in vitamins.

Holistic health is the basic need of life. If health is good, anybody can get the success in his life. But health depends on our thinking, life style, diet and many aspects. In which food plays a very important role in care of health. Food is a natural need of life, in our diet we should concentrate for that food which is good for health. If we search deeply, there are many types of food, in which ‘Yogic Diet’ has it’s a good importance. The ‘Yogic Diet’ affected not only the body but also the mind. The ‘Yogic Diet’ maintained the health and developed a positive attitude in a person.

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Thanks Kushagra for this activity on Ganesha Festival.